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2020/1/31 14:41:45发布275次查看
  • 加工定制:定制
  • 材质:高温材料
  • 型号:非标
  • 用途:防火

海洋平台爆炸试验与研究,喷射火试验为iso22899 1 is required。 intumescent coating we manufactured was tested for 2.0 bars blast and j-90 jet fire in advantica, cumbria, uk.
纤维素火点火后有缓慢的火焰温度上升.。标准的纤维素火灾温度与时间曲线应是参考文献:bs476,imo决议a517(13),iso r834和国际海上人命安全公约。典型的辐射值5分钟后点火为50千瓦/平方米。3.5 the thermocouples are to be fabricated by fusion-welding the twisted ends of 0.064 in (1.6 mm) diameter (no. 14 b&s gauge) chromel-alumel wires having a time constant of 2 min or less, and mounting the wires in porcelain insulators. the thermocouple assembly is to be inserted through a standard weight, nominal 1/2 in iron, steel or inconel pipe, and the end of the pipe from which the welded junction protrudes is to be open. the thermocouple junction is to protrude 1/2 in (12.7 mm) from the open end of the pipe.
纤维素火灾温度与时间曲线的美国(astm e119,nfpa251,ul263)稍快。
hydrocarbon firefor fire exposure times longer than standard, the indicated rating period is to be increased by the amount of the correction and for fire exposure times less than standard, the indicated rating period is to be similarly decreased. the correction can be expressed by the following formula:
烃类火灾a hydrocarbon fire has a rapid flame temperature rise after ignition. the standard hydrocarbon fire碳氢化合物火灾燃烧后火焰温度迅速上升。标准烃火 temperature vs. time
温度与时间曲线应是bs476 20和ul1709。典型的稳态温度为1100 oc。curve shall be that of bs476 part 20 and ul1709. typical steady-state temperature is 1100 oc.
typical radiation value 5 minutes after ignition is 160 kw/m2.
典型的辐射值5分钟后点火为160千瓦/平方米。喷射火 jet fire
jet fire is a turbulent diffusing flame, resulting from the combustion of a steady release of pressurised liquid
or gaseous fuel. they are the most severe fire scenario that pfp materials could be required to withstand,
或气态燃料。他们是亲民的材料可能需要承受最严重的火灾场景, 液化烃球罐应设高低液位报警和高高液位联锁切断进料措施。福建高高液位联锁的检测元件应独立设置,福建英国1709ul防火罩可采用超声波、音叉、浮球或电容式液位开关,并宜与雷达、伺服等远传液位计的高高液位信号组成“三取二”联锁切断进料,高高液位联锁的检测元件应在线校验。高液位报警的设定高度应为球罐的设计储存液位。高高液位报警的设定高度,不应大于液相体积达到球罐计算容积90%时的高度。 紧急切断阀 紧急切断阀指专用于安装在液化烃球罐的进出口管道上,当罐区内发生火灾、泄漏等事故时能够快速及严密切断和隔离易燃及有毒物料的开关阀。4.10 在校准实验中火环境应满足3.1条款要求,校准实验的时间应为60分钟.当球罐液位达到或超过高高液位限时,紧急切断阀能用于防止物料溢罐。从紧急切断阀到球罐管口之间除了接管外不得安装任何其它管件或阀门,其间距应符合配管安装、阀门维修和工艺要求。紧急切断阀应具有自动和手动关闭功能,手动关闭功能应包括控制室遥控手动关闭及现场手动关闭。电磁阀、限位开关1.2 the test method covers a full-scale fire exposure, intended to evaluate the thermal、jsave柔性防火罩系统特为所需保护的零件、执行器、阀门、储槽和管道的形状而专门设计和量身定做。可为控制器、阀杆、钢框架和按钮建立凹进处和孔洞;防火罩为特殊定制,可根据客户需求在所需位置开设穿过电源线的通孔,且在安装前可随时进行修改。4.5 用于测量校准柱表面温度的热电偶型号为28号k型镍合金热电偶,其时间常数不大于0.5秒.热电偶连接处应被固定在距离校准柱表面6.3mm处.防火罩外观可采用不同颜色织物制作;柔性防火罩在客户要求的时间内,能够保证被保护关键系统的整体操作,并且能够以可控的方式延迟损害、阻止对设备、产品和人员事物的进一步伤害。携带简易轻便,无需特殊工具和设备即可快速安装无需停止系统即可安定制产品,小型抗风化、防紫外线、耐冷、耐海洋环境、耐化学物质和酸性物质不存在有害物质,完全没有石棉衍生物1400℃高温下防火最长时间达2小时 ,符合1709标准;13818263959陈燕经理;
2.2.1 在本标准中出现的任何没有标注日期的准则或规范都可认为是参照最新版本的准则或规范。



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