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2020/1/7 13:12:54发布145次查看

the longer pulse bag filter processing the less effect okay that said it in fact, the length of the bag is typically 2-8 meters, will not exceed 10 meters better to match the appropriate size of the bag and bag material according to the processing area, emission standards, air flow, filtration velocity, we can achieve a good effect. so it would not lead to the treatment effect is what causes it next, an analysis gave: 3, pulse bag filter dust bag and the dust loading structure deposited on the surface of the dust bag dust load size has a direct relationship with the number of baghouse dust collection efficiency. with the use of different dust removal device, not only can improve product quality, reduce costs, but also controls the main measure dust pollution. dust collection efficiency of different, equipment costs and operating expenses are not the same, when you set up dust, dust to deal with a variety of performance has a deep understanding, give full consideration to the type of structure, raw material and fuel dust generating equipment, operating conditions, the nature and amount of dust and gas, the purpose of the use of filter, bag filter characteristics and circumstances require collection value, the amount of trapped dust and the like, to be combined into the most economical removal system, and ensure the appropriate removal efficiency. on the maintenance and management of dust, dust should also be considered due to the different nature and treatment measures varying operating conditions. 4, the impact resistance and the leakage pulse bag filter baghouse theoretical removal efficiency can reach 99%, but the actual measurement is unattainable, the main reason is affected by the leakage and the resistance, the lower the rate of leakage, dust the better; resistance have some influence on the effect of electrostatic precipitator dust, the bag is emptied frequently, reducing resistance, dust removal effect can be improved. the dust collecting cup as close as possible nod dust production, making it easier to enter the dust cover, to increase the amount of the dust, reduce fugitive emissions. pulse bag filter processing results are not good, but it is still more than a few points to look at, i hope to help you, thank you.

qq: 228708151


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