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2021/5/4 14:38:01发布90次查看
l      research shows that kids brush 38% longer with spinbrush® than when using an ordinary manual brush.*调查数据表明: 孩子使用spinbrush电动牙刷后比使用普通手动牙刷平均刷牙时间长38%。
l       available in several fun and exciting designs (including er ball, race car, princess and mermaid)卡通图案,增加孩子刷牙的兴趣,有小男孩们都喜欢的足球和赛车,还有小女孩们都喜欢的公主和美人鱼图案。
l      great handle designs make brushing fun!刷柄握着非常舒适,让孩子爱上刷牙。
l      promotes healthy brushing; removes plaque; massages gums;有宝宝喜欢的图案,双向电动刷头,可促使形成健康刷牙,去除牙菌班,并可按摩牙龈。
l      smaller brush head for smaller mouths,适合儿童的小巧刷头。
l      ergonomically designed for a comfortable grip - only a few dollars more than an ordinary manual toothbrush!设计符合人体工学原理,性价比超高!
l       includes 2 aaa batteries包括两节aaa电池。
l      children under 3 use under adult supervision三岁以下儿童,请在成人的监护下使用。
parent tips父母注意事项 
help your kids brush right.  帮助孩子正确地刷牙
with a few things in mind and a fun-handled spinbrush®, you’ll actually have your children looking forward to brushing.建立孩子刷牙的兴趣。
first, brush along with your child. maybe even make a game out of it. let them see how important good oral care is to you and how much you enjoy it. being a good role model goes a long way toward building good habits that will lead to a lifetime of healthy, happy brushing.与孩子一起刷牙,让他们明白良好的口腔护理习惯对一生的健康有多么重要!
schedule regular dental visits for check ups, periodontal evaluations and cleaning. but do it so the entire family goes together.定期带孩子看牙医,检查并清洁,可以全家一起去。
check your child’s mouth for the signs of disease, including bleeding gums, swollen and bright red gums, gums that are receding away from the teeth and bad breath.关注孩子的口腔,是否有口腔疾病的征兆,包括牙龈出血或红肿,牙龈萎缩等。
and finally, if you notice that your child has poor oral health habits, work to help change those tendencies now. after all, it’s much easier to modify faulty habits in a child than in an adult.如果发现孩子有什么不良的口腔习惯,应及时纠正,毕竟孩子阶段纠正要比他们长大成人后纠正更容易些。
a healthy smile, good breath, and strong teeth all contribute to a young person’s sense of personal appearance, as well as confidence and self-esteem.健康的微笑,清新的口气,坚固洁白的牙齿会增强人的自信,自尊,也能在与人交往中留下好的印象。
plaque. your teeth’s worst enemy.牙菌斑,牙齿最坏的敌人
every day, your teeth get covered with a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. it’s a natural urrence. after every meal or snack, the bacteria react with sugar in the foods to produce acids that can attack and weaken tooth enamel — causing it to break down — and open the door to the development of cavities.
so it stands to reason that if this plaque is not cleaned away on a daily basis, by brushing and cleaning, it can eventually harden into calculus or tartar. 
brushing and cleaning between teeth es more difficult when tartar collects above the gum line. the gum tissue can e swollen or may bleed.  this is called gingivitis.
the best defense is to remove plaque daily before it has a chance to build up and cause problems. brushing removes plaque from the large surfaces of the teeth and,
if done correctly, just under the gums. flossing removes plaque between teeth. so you can avoid the effects of plaque if you make sure to clean and brush your teeth
thoroughly with the right tools every day.最好的办法就是每日清洁,不让牙菌斑有累积的机会,刷牙并辅以牙线,每日坚持口腔护理!



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